On Wednesday 9 August, an usually warm Melbourne winter evening, an impressive group of fellow writers, family and friends gathered at Readings Carlton to celebrate the launch of 'companion' memoirs from the newly established Ventura Press imprint Peter Bishop Books - Nick Gleeson's, The Many Ways of Seeing, co-authored with Peter Bishop, and Caroline van de Pol's, Back to Broady.
Caroline and Nick grew up next door to each other and lived side by side for nearly twenty years in the working-class suburb of Broadmeadows. They have remained close friends and have produced very different memoirs about family and friendship with stories both intertwined and quite separate.
A ‘cathedral of books’ was how Peter Bishop described the venue of Readings Carlton, for vision impaired members in the audience, and he went on to describe the ‘sea of faces’ for Nick Gleeson and his brother Maurice, who are both totally blind. Peter then read from The Many Ways of Seeing and spoke with Nick about his most recent adventure, crossing raging rivers in the remote wilderness of New Zealand. Caroline then read from Back to Broady.
Readings agreed it was a full house and one of the largest events they had hosted. This only inspired Maurice Gleeson, OAM, who officially launched the books and spoke about the significance of companionship in our lives.
A huge thank you to everyone who came and supported Back to Broady and The Many Ways of Seeing, Maurice Gleeson for launching the books, Patti Green for taking these amazing photographs, Readings Carlton for being excellent hosts and a huge congratulations to our amazing authors, Caroline van de Pol, Nick Gleeson and Peter Bishop.
Peter Bishop and Ventura Press director and publisher, Jane Curry.
Maurice Gleeson, Caroline van de Pol, Nick Gleeson and Peter Bishop.
Long-time friends and authors Caroline van de Pol and Nick Gleeson.
Peter Bishop reads from the book he co-authors, The Many Ways of Seeing.
Nick Gleeson and Peter Bishop talk about The Many Ways of Seeing.
Caroline van de Pol reads from her book Back to Broady.
Nick with his friend and guide dog Unity.
Maurice Gleeson OAM, brother to Nick and long-time friend of Caroline's, officially launches Back to Broady and The Many Ways of Seeing.
The van de Pol and Egan families celebrating Back to Broady with Caroline.
Photo credit: Patti Green